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Meet Deanna Neenah Shanelle

Committed to Your healing and wholeness 

I have been in the medical profession for almost 20 years. I had always known since I was a young girl, that the Lord called me to serve His people in the healthcare industry. I began as a Certified Medical Assistant while completing prerequisites to become a doctor. After working firsthand with doctors for years, I soon discovered that this path was not the experience I had hoped it would be. After reaching out to my former college instructor for guidance, she convinced me that I would make an amazing teacher and offered me a teaching position. I took a leap of faith and fell in love with teaching. I then began a career as a Certified Medical Instructor at a local college. During my time as a teacher, my love for my students and their wellness grew. I developed a workshop to help support my students who were struggling with life, health, and stress management. The program was soon launched as part of orientation for every student.
A short time later, I experienced a debilitating, life-threatening medical illness. When I turned to the healthcare system for answers, to my dismay, I was sent home empty-handed time after time. As time progressed and my health deteriorated, I saw multiple doctors and had several "second opinions," but still, there was nothing anyone could do! Because of my passion and zest for life, I refused to accept my doom! I fell on my face before God and prayed, day after day, for answers and healing. I was finally led to a doctor with alternative medicinal training, and together, by the grace of God, we were able to slowly heal my body. During my time of healing, I spent years in medical research, reading health books, reviewing medical studies, and attending health seminars. I also spent several years studying the Bible cover to cover, seeking every truth I could find regarding health and healing. I promised the Lord that I would share this knowledge with the world without bias or ulterior motives, unlike our current healthcare system, which is financially driven and not healing-driven.
As I continued on my healing journey and medical research, I discovered that I could use my gained medical experience to qualify to become a Board-Certified Health Practioner in Functional and Integrative Medicine. At last, something that fit my calling! As I work towards my certifications, I have founded Divine Health Ministry as a platform to teach, preach, and encourage local churches and communities, especially BIPOC communities, to build their confidence around health and find the healing that God has divinely placed in all bodies, just as I had done when I worked as a college instructor. I am just a simple, ordinary, down-to-earth person who believes that every individual has the right to quality healthcare, no matter their race or financial status.​

Something interesting about Me:

My name holds deep significance to me, as it has played a major role in helping me discover my identity in Christ. For those who don’t know, I have a twin sister, and the only difference between our first names was a single letter. As a result, I was often mistaken for her, and I spent many years feeling overshadowed, struggling to find my own identity. My journey to individuality began when her firstborn child, who had a speech delay, mispronounced my name as "Neenah." The name stuck, and soon my entire family, including my children, began calling me Neenah. It felt divinely given, and I eventually made it my legal name, believing God used my nephew to bestow it upon me.

Recently, God reaffirmed the meaning behind my name with a rainbow as I explored its origins. "Deanna" translates to "Divine," meaning Holy, or something given by or from God. "Neenah" means "flow of water" or "river," a symbol often used in the Bible to represent the Holy Spirit. My middle name, "Shanelle," means "riverbed," a channel in a river where water rests. Altogether, my name beautifully translates to: "God-given flow of the Holy Spirit resting within me!" As soon as I completed writing the meaning of my name, my husband spontaneously called to share a beautiful rainbow that appeared to him on his way to work! FYI, God has always comforted me and reaffirmed me through rainbows since my youth! Because of its importance to me, I identify by all three names. But for short, I go by Neenah. Now you know what inspired the name Divine Health Ministy. I truly feel God has anointed and appointed me for a time such as this! 

Behold, I will bring health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.

-Jeremiah 33:6 NKJV

Meet Amelia
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My Vision & Mission is to open the eyes of the community, especially the BYBOC, minority and low-income communities by providing coaching, advocacy, and education regarding the truths of spiritual, physical, and mental health and healing. By providing the knowledge and resources, we build one's confidence and assurance on their journey of living a fuller life healed and whole. 

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“Divine Health Ministry has been a game-changer for me. Their natural approach to healing has significantly improved my well-being.”

— Sarah M.

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